
Follow your Expired Fans and Increase your PPV sales!

With a click of a button, follow back your expired fans. This way they see a notification that you followed them and they likely follow you back. After you have followed, include them in your massages.

Keep scripts ready with media & price already attached

Create pre-defined scripts or PPVs (media attached) using BuddyX’s Advanced Scripts. With our quick send options, it has never been easier to send messages to your fans! These scripts can also be personalised with fan’s name using our template markers.

Send Mass Messages as Priority with fan names

Send 100s of mass messages that end up in fan’s priority mail box and are personalised with their real names! Priority messages have 60% more likelihood of being seen!

Fan Labeling in Chat View

All fans will be labelled with their spending and subscription status that will help you in deciding where to focus your efforts

Vault Labeling

When you open the vault inside a fan’s chat, Vault Labeling makes it easier for you to determine which content has already been sent to a fan and whether or not they purchased it!

Automatically renew expired promotions

CreatorPulse can automatically renew your expired promotions so that you don’t have to do it manually. You can create promotions with only a few slots left to create the fear of missing out.

Remember when to reply a fan (with chat timers)

With CreatorPulse chat timers you will never forget to remember a fan. For each individual fan you can set up a chat timer!

Download your earning statements from OnlyFans

CreatorPulse  offers an export button in the statement / statistics page so that you can download your latest earning statements as a .csv file.

Manage lists with a few clicks!

List management places convenience at your fingertips – with the click of a button, create lists based on a fan’s spending, activity, or online status!

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